My name is Wayne White and I reside in beautiful southeast Missouri. I am a retired autoworker/farrier and am now a freelance photographer. I am an avid outdoorsman, flyfishing, camping, hiking, kayaking and Dutch Oven cook. I am married to a wonderful woman who shares my interests. We offer for sale prints and framed prints. We also have postcards and note cards with photos of various subjects that I have photographed. We can take photos that you want and put them on a business card or a personalized note card. If interested, please contact me. We have added family pictures. If interested, you can contact me at 314-210-8442.
If there is something you are looking for and you don't see it in my photographs, please contact me and I will do my best to find what you are looking for.
After January 1, 2025 I will be expanding the business and I will start booking, Family photo sessions, Headshots and Equine photo sessions. If interested, you can contact me at 314-210-8442 or
You will also be able to purchase digital downloads of the photos I have on my site from me. I won't be using the store provided on this site anymore. It isn't user friendly and is time consuming. If you are interested in anything, please contact me.
I will also be selling my horseshoe art. Stay tuned for details.